The pen calls

Sometimes, Life feels like an old forgotten song waiting to be relived from the corners of your grey matter. It is all inside waiting just for the right moment to arrive. One by one, you try to unfold them-flashbacks and memories when most of the times, you just had to shut it up at one corner of your mind because you had stuff to do. Stuff like sleeping, stuff like classes, stuff like engineering. And still they try to shatter the walls of your reluctance, who for so long had been winning- rendering excuses for not being able to pen it all down.

Maybe it is fear. That kind which makes you unsure of unleashing yourself to the world. Maybe it is plain laziness which strike many a talented men. But procrastination cost me wonders! This digital age where we need to “express to impress”. Being a strong voiced child always got me my fair share of troubles and applauds but then I did not realise I would stunt my voice to this extent. Maybe, I waited long enough for the “inner Voice” or maybe the push I needed was suffocating, buried deep inside. An extrovert could be an introvert in writing, afterall.

But then this life is ever-changing; sometimes with and without you and you would never know which breath would be your last. So I would live for these moments and try capturing it in this not so evocative ‘ink and paper’ of the digital world. Nevertheless, writing is writing and the only bad memory is the one you did not tuck up to your heart.

This long stagnant wait took years and these words, barely twenty full minutes. However, I am freed. That too in simplistic writing.

P.S : The song by Sufjan Stevens takes me to a sweet level of nostalgia. I hope listening to it also takes you to places you’ve longed for. Sweet memories!